Saturday, July 30, 2011

What's up with Christians dating Unbelievers?

Enlighten me please. We need to get serious about this. The Word of God says this ""Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?" (2 Cor. 6:14, KJV). What is God saying here? He is saying do not go there! But what's up with Christians still going there? The Bible is so clear on this matter but yet we try to make it gray by saying "Well he/she is coming to church?" or "Jesus knows their heart"! Yea, God does know their heart but He knows yours too! Who are you fooling? God...I think not. 

Deut 22:10 says "You must not plow with an ox and a donkey harnessed together". Someone out there gets what I am saying here. The two do not go together. By nature, these two animals are inherently different and have different agendas. This metaphorically relates to the above. 

Let me break it down in another way. Oil and water don't mix. This is basic chemistry. Now that we are on the same page. These two things do not mix because they cannot form bonds (And the rocks said Amen). Water is a polar molecule and there is an equal sharing of hydrogen and electronegative oxygen. Oil, on the other hand, is made up of hydrocarbon chains and is water hating. But someone out there is saying slow your roll you don't know my man or my chick? They don't hate God. If you are not for God then you are against God.Thus, if you do not love God...... I think you smell what I am stepping in. These two things do not mix. Much like a Christian and Unbeliever you can put them together but the two are inherently different. Their make up is different. 

God's chemistry is the right Chemistry. 

My message may not be popular but it is Truth. I take truth over popularity any day! 

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