Sunday, August 7, 2011

The devil Doesn't Want You to Know....

If you are reading this is no accident or coincidence. The devil doesn't want you to know....about the knowledge of God. Once you come to the knowledge of God there is no stopping you. But you must first come to the knowledge and the devil is trying to keep you from it.

There is a battle going on for your soul as you read this message. When I say a battle I mean a spiritual battle that sometimes manifests itself in the physical realm. I know the message sounds defeating but there's something else the devil doesn't want you to know and that's the love of God. See, the devil wants you to believe that when you die that's're dead and that's it. Or perhaps that when you die you will be reincarnated. But this is not so. There is a place prepared for YOU.

Maybe you or someone you love is struggling with addiction. Pornography, drug abuse, or alcohol abuse. The devil knows all about your genealogy and he will prey on it. But God has allowed me to type this message for someone today. Someone needs to read this today, don't think you stumbled upon this by chance. You did not. 

My prayer is that if you are reading this message and you have made it to this sentence you will open your heart and accept the Lord as your personal Savior. God is not willing that you should perish. He wants you to know He's been there all along through everything...And He loves you. He see's the best in you!

"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS".

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