Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cliques in the Church

 Doesn't this seem like such a conflicting concept? When you think about church's do you consider cliques? When I first came to church I did not even think about that as a factor. However, slowly but surely you can see who is who, who likes who, and what they think about you. Perhaps, you don't fit into the culture or you don't look like you belong. Nonetheless, church cliques are very real and extremely detrimental to the body of Christ.

Then I thought, well Jesus had has disciples which is kind of like a clique. They were His ride or die, you know what I mean? But, the difference between then and now is simple...EXCLUSION. All though Jesus did have this disciples, He did not exclude others.

Romans:12:16 says, "Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position" (New International Version).

Saints of the Most High God.....Listen Up.....(And Lord help me to practice what I preach). Real talk, we need to cut that out. Notice I said WE. I have seen both sides of it and it hurts your heart. Why perpetuate it any longer? Lets stop the madness.

Challenge for US: Talk to someone outside of your normal gal/guy pals (<---Seriously did I just write that lol).  Get to know them and embrace them. We need each other. Loneliness and lack of belonging is a problem in the church. Adam experienced it in the Garden of Eden long before Eve was there. He had everything he could EVER want but was still lonely. Can you imagine how someone else feels?

I am anti cliques in the name of Jesus!

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